Monday, November 19, 2012

Sellenger's Round or The Beginning of the World

Original instructions Facsimile of John Playford's The English Dancing Master 3rd Edition 1657

(Hopefully) easier to understand instructions:

As many couples as want to dance stand in a circle with the woman to the right and the man to the left of each couple.

Part I
A   Everyone holds hands and takes eight sliding steps to the left. Repeat to the right

B1 Everyone takes four steps forward to the center of the circle, then four steps back to their places.
      Face your partner, take a step to the right, then a step to the left, then turn around.

B2 Repeat B1.

Part II
A While holding hands, everyone takes four steps forward to the center of the circle, then four steps back to their                places.   Repeat.

BB Repeat B1 and B 2 from Part I.

Part III
A Partners face each other, take four steps toward each other until they are lined up right shoulder to right shoulder, then take four steps back to their place.
Partners face each other, take four steps toward each other until they are lined up left shoulder to left shoulder, then take four steps back to their place.

BB Repeat B1 and B 2 from Part I.

Part IV
A Partners hold right hands and walk eight steps around each other. Partners hold left hands and walk eight steps around each other.

BB Repeat B1 and B 2 from Part I.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Here are more links for more information on some of the other stuff we talked about today.
These are the sources I used for the first part of today's class.

The last one has links to some of the things Nicholas Flamel wrote if you want to try some alchemy of your own.  I didn't get most of it, but you might do better and some of the pictures are pretty.